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Torat Moshe - Complete Set. First Edition of the Rav"eh's Chumash (and Siddur). Rödelheim, 1818-1821

Vendido por: $650
Precio inicial:
$ 400
Precio estimado :
$600 - $700
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 24%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
31.5.23 en Winner'S
etiquetas: Libros

Torat Moshe - Complete Set. First Edition of the Rav"eh's Chumash (and Siddur). Rödelheim, 1818-1821

"If not for him - the piyyutim would already have been lost and no longer recited in our generations" (The Chata"m Sofer about the Rav"eh)

Chumash Torat Moshe - chamishah chumshei Torah, with a German translation and the Minchah Chadashah commentary, edited by Wolf b"r Shimshon z"l, Ish Heidenheim. Complete set in five volumes. First edition. Rödelheim, 1818-1821. Important and precise edition which earned the praise of the lights of the generations and of Chassidut.

Including the haftarot and the Shabbat Shacharit prayers, printed as an addition to the other chumashim, and added to only some copies of the Torat Moshe chumash. The second pagination includes the haftarot with an identical title page, and the third pagination consists of the Shabbat Shacharit and Mussaf prayers, followed by hymns for special Shabbats. (under different appellations: yotzer, ahavah, zulat, etc).

This is the first edition of the chumash with the commentary by the Rav"eh [Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim], as appears on the title page: "... Absolutely precise and orderly, by me, Wolf b"r Shimshon z"l, Ish Heidenheim." The Chatam Sofer observed about him "If not for him (the complete sage Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim) - the piyyutim would already have been lost and no longer recited in our generations." Chassidic leaders also admired him very much, and when the Alter Rebbe of Lubavitch published his famous siddur, he gave instructions that it be proofread according to the siddur by the renowned sage R' Wolf Heidenheim that was printed in Rödelheim "because it is very precise and extremely well proofread."

Details of the volumes:

Bereishit: [3], 143; 24, 4, 54 leaf. Signature: "Yettel, wife of Hirsch Landaur."

Shemot: [1], 137; 28, 78 leaf.

Vayikra: [1], 107; 24, 80 leaf.

Bamidbar: [1], 134, [1], 16, 50 leaf. Lacking leaf 43 from the leaves of yotzrot.

Devarim: [1], 129; 52 leaf.

Five volumes. 16.5 cm.

Overall fine condition. Stains and usage marks. Several leaves are worn, detached or partially detached. Adhesion on the title page of Shemot, in the margins of the text. Simple bindings, some of which are dismantled.