拍卖会 101 Winner's Unlimited - Holy books, letters from Rabbis and Rebbes, Judaica, Maps, Periodicals, Postcards, banknotes, Eretz Israel
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拍卖品 32:

Cholot Nodadim - The Songs of the Decade of Chevel Yamit, 1981

售出价为: $120
$ 80
估计的价格 :
$150 - $200
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
19.7.17于 Winner'S

Cholot Nodadim - The Songs of the Decade of Chevel Yamit, 1981

A booklet containing songs from the tenth anniversary celebrations of Chevel Yamit  - July 1981, published some eight months before the settlement was evacuated in 1982. Published by the Eitam and Chevel Yamit Regional Council.

Poems dealing with the history of Chevel Yamit since its establishment. Words: Yoram Taharlev. Music and direction: Shai Lavi. Adaptations: Moshe Zurman. Dance: Yaakov Kaloski. Graphics: Yehudit Shaflan.

A rare booklet. Does not appear in the National Library.

[12] pages. 20 cm.  

Very fine condition.