Asta Unlimited 136 Parte 1 Kabbalah and Chassidut, holy books, manuscripts, letters from rabbis, objects of the righteous
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First Printings: Two Books by the Chechnov Rebbe: Beit Avraham / Zakuta D'Avraham. Impressive Volume

Venduto per: $100 (₪351)
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 100
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$200 - $300
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 24%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
14.6.22 in Winner'S

First Printings: Two Books by the Chechnov Rebbe: Beit Avraham / Zakuta D'Avraham. Impressive Volume

* Beit Avraham, sharp and expert halachic novellae by Rabbi Avraham of Chekhanove. Warsaw, 1899. First edition. Complete volume.

Most of the copies end with leaf 95; this copy has another two leaves added, with a letter from R' Elazar HaKohen of Pultosk and the author's reply regarding the halachah. These leaves were recorded in Mifal HaBibliography from a copy in a private library.

37 leaves, 27 cm. Two title pages.

Bound with:

* Zakuta D' Avraham, sermons and compilations by Rabbi Avraham of Chekhanove. Warsaw, 1895, First edition.

With the subscriber leaves.

[4], 104, IV pp. Two title pages. 27 cm.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the Rebbe Rabbi Avraham of Chekhanove.

Overall very fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Brittle paper. Impressive volume, with wide margins.