LOT 122:
Letter from the Leading Rabbi of Germany, the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Bing Segal, to his Primary Disciple, the Gaon ...
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Letter from the Leading Rabbi of Germany, the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Bing Segal, to his Primary Disciple, the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Bamberger
Letter of responsa entirely handwritten by the leading rabbi of Germany Jewry, the gaon Moreinu Rabbi Avraham HaLevi Bing Segal, primary disciple of the great eagle Rabbi Nathan Adler, alongside his soul mate, the Chata"m Sofer, who quotes him extensively in his books and views Rabbi Avraham as one of his teachers. Written to his leading disciple and successor, the gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Dov HaLevi Bamberger, the 'Würzburger Rav.' Würzburg, 15 MarCheshvan, 1833. Not printed.
One can learn about the addressee's greatness from the titles the Würzburger Rav uses when mentioning him, "the wondrous expert in Torah" - and this while he was yet an avreich in his twenties. This letter deals with several questions the disciple asked his great teacher regarding used barrels (a controversy that arose recently as well with respect to Scotch whisky prepared in used barrels) and more. Incidentally, the Würzburger Rav actually leans towards permitting the barrels, and brings support for this from the Ritv"a, but his great teacher, despite his agreement with the principle that there is no din kavush for vessels, he instructs his disciple to forbid the barrels and writes him that when they meet face to face he will explain why he nevertheless decided despite this to forbid the barrels.
Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the gaon Rabbi Avraham HaLevi Bing, also known as Rabbi Avraham Segal Binga.
[1] leaf paper, 18x23 cm. High-quality paper.
Very fine condition. Fold mark. Minimal aging stains.
Refer also to:
Kovetz Yeshurun, Part I, Adar 2001, page 760
Toldot Gedolei Yisrael - Karmoli, Elyakim, Metz, 1828, page 64
Kovetz Tzefunim - Kintslicher, Tishrei 1989, page 28