LOTE 33:
Group of [10] Zionist Propaganda Booklets Published by HeChalutz After the Rise of the Nazis in Berlin.
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Precio inicial:
Precio estimado :
$400 - $500
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 24%
Group of [10] Zionist Propaganda Booklets Published by HeChalutz After the Rise of the Nazis in Berlin.
* Bord-Merkblatt für die Ankunft in Palästina
Guide for Arrival in Palestine - published by the Association of Olim from Germany. Tel Aviv, 1935.
* Hachshara, April, 1934. Rare; not found in the National Library. HeChalutz Press.
*Anfänge, aus den ersten tagen der zweiten alija
[Beginnings, The First Days of the Second Aliyah] - HeChalutz Press, June 1934.
* Was ist der hechaluz einige worte an jeden jungen juden
[What is HeChalutz? Several Words for Every Young Jew] HeChalutz Press, Berlin, May, 1933.
* Tatsachen und Probleme Palästinas: Plan für 10 Heimabende. [Facts and Problems in Palestine]: Program for Ten Evenings, Activities in the Land of Israel, Including Current Problems. Joint publication of HeChalutz and HaBonim Noar Chalutzi. Berlin, February, 1934.
* Baawodah
HeChalutz Press, Berlin, August, 1933.
* Zür Führertagung : den Teilnehmern an der Führertagung des Habonim, noar chaluzi, vom 7-10. October, 1933, Berlin and Palestine [Ahead of the Leadership Conference of Pioneering Youth, HaBonim]. HaBonim, Berlin, October 1933.
* von Kwuzah und Kibbuz : was jeder Jude wissen soll.
[What Every Jew Should Know about the Kvutzah and the Kibbutz] HeChalutz Press, Berlin, August, 1933.
* Kibbuz, Kultur und Wirtschaft : aus der Tagung des Kibbuz Hameuchad in Jagur, Juli 1933.
[Kibbutz, Culture and Economy: From the Kibbutz HaMeuchad Conference in Jagur, July 1933.] (The inside binding indicates July 1933; apparently this is a later edition with a new paper binding.)
* B. Kaznelson, Zerstörung, oder, Neuaufbau: zur innerzionistischen Situation
Destruction or Reconstruction? Speech by Berel Kaznelson in Jerusalem, HeChalutz, Berlin, June, 1934.
Overall fine-very fine condition, minimal aging stains.