拍卖会 94 Kodesh books, Rabanic manuscripts, Zionism, Erez Israel. Judaica, archaeology and Jewish art
由 Winner'S 举行
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拍卖品 54:

"Struwwelhitler: A Nazi Storybook" - children's book. Anti-Nazi. Parody of "Shockheaded Peter." London, 1941

售出价为: $200
$ 180
估计的价格 :
$250 - $230
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
19.7.16于 Winner'S

"Struwwelhitler: A Nazi Storybook" - children's book. Anti-Nazi. Parody of "Shockheaded Peter." London, 1941
Struwwelhitler: A Nazi Storybook by Doktor Srecklichkeit, parody of Shockheaded Peter with colored pictures and rhymes. Mocks Hitler and the Nazis. English. London, 1941.
24 pages. 17.5 cm. Colored, paper cover.
Parody of Shockheaded Peter (Struwwelpeter in the original German), in which Hitler replaces Peter. The book is formatted in rhymes with childish stories mocking Hitler and other leaders, including: Rudolph Hess, Joseph Goebbels, and Hermann Goring. It also includes Stalin - apparently because the the book was printed before the Soviet Union joined the Allies in June, 1941. Published by Daily Sketch that provided games and toys to the fighting forces.
Paper binding with tear in spine. The leaves of the book are in very fine condition.