拍卖会 92 Gallery auction - archaeology, numismatics, Judaika & more
由 Winner'S 举行
3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, 以色列

拍卖品 36:

Receipts from Rabbis and Religious Institutions, 1920s-50s.

$ 200
估计的价格 :
$350 - $400
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
27.1.16于 Winner'S

Receipts from Rabbis and Religious Institutions, 1920s-50s.
* Decorated receipt, Moshav Zikeinim V'Zikeinot Tzefat, 1922
* Receipt, Beit Zikeinim V'Zikeinot, Jerusalem, 1939
* Colored cards - placards, Mishmeret HaTzniut, Jerusalem, 1940s?
* New Year's postcard from Rabbi Mileikowsky , Tel Aviv, 1944
*Collection of rabbinical new year's greetings, 1940s [12]*
Collection of receipts for repairing the Churva, 1921,
receipt styled after the Isreali Lira, Beit Chabad Tomchei Temimim, 1955.
* Receipts from religous and charity organizations, 1940s.
* Placards (kosher for Passover, pidyon nefesh, miyhu yehudi), 1950s?
*Passover Haggada, Beit Malon U'Pension Netanya. Overall fine condition