Holocaust & German Persecutions
Mesa, AZ, Estados Unidos

LOTE 17:

Rare War Invalid Certificate Issued to War Invalid Pole from Krakow 1942

Preço inicial:
$ 50
Preço estimado :
$150 - $200
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 7.8% Sobre a comissão apenas
Utilizadores de países estrangeiros podem estar isentos de pagamento de impostos, de acordo com as respectivas leis de imposto

Rare War Invalid Certificate Issued to War Invalid Pole from Krakow 1942
Rare war invalid certificate issued in 1942 to a Polish war invalid veteran from Kraków. According to the card, this man had 14 teeth missing, gunshot scar and upper lip torn off. Overall health loss of 20%. He had a wife, 4 children and was a trader by profession. It is written in German and Polish. It never had a photo.*******This article is sent from our office in Europe**********