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拍卖品 47:

Sefer Tehillim, Mishpat Tzedek - signed by Rabbi Mordechai Rabinowitz.

售出价为: $25
$ 25
拍卖行佣金: 20% 更多详细信息
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
26.3.18于 TZolman's auction

Sefer Tehillim, Mishpat Tzedek - signed by Rabbi Mordechai Rabinowitz.
With the commentary of Rabbeinu Yeshaya Horowitz, with Sefer Mishpat Tzedek. His friend Rabbi Moshe [son of Gershon] of Zalshin, who is connected to the pure, was collected from the Midrash and Yalkut, by Rabbi Israel Zeev [son of Shimshon of Zalshin]. And is called Shoshanei Leket. also Short of the Book of Charedim And Simchat Beit Hashoeva.
Rabbi Mordechai Rabinowitz (died Elul 5717) was a rabbi in Baltimore, USA, and was the author of the Chafetz Chaim and helped with the printing of his books, 
Vilna 5665. 
Condition; Few loose pages.