المزاد 16 Ancient books, & Rabbis Letters.
بواسطة tzfunot
12 Miron St. Bnei Brak, إسرائيل
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الوحدة 8:

Meyuchas. Pedigreed. Signature and glosses of the Maharsham of Berezhany on the Shu"t Mahri"a Itinga

تم البيع مقابل: $1,900
السعر المبدئي:
$ 800
عمولة صالة المزادات: 23% مزيد من التفاصيل
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 17% على العمولة فقط
9.6.24 في tzfunot

Meyuchas. Pedigreed. Signature and glosses of the Maharsham of Berezhany on the Shu"t Mahri"a Itinga

Shu"t Mahari"a, two sections, 364 teshuvos on all sections of the Shulchan Aruch, by Rav Yitzchak Aharon Halevi Itinga, av"d Lemberg, brother-in-law of the Sho'el U'Meishiv, Rav Yosef Shaul Nathansohn.

  • The title page bears the signature of Maharsham Schwardron of Berezhany, prominent Galician posek: הק' שלו' מרדכי הכהן אבד"ק ברעזן, in addition to his handwritten notation regarding the purchase of this sefer and its price.
  • Two comments written by the Maharsham on leaves 24a and 36a (slightly cropped).
  • Additional gloss in a different hand on leaf 46a.
Rav Shalom Mordechai HaKohen, author of Shu"t Maharsham [1835-1911] was one of the most prominent chassidic poskim. He received Torah, chassidius and hanhagos from the Sar Shalom of Belz and Rav Avraham of Stretin. He served as av"d of Berezhany from 1881 until his death.
He wrote thousands of teshuvos to questions from around the world. In one teshuvah, he wrote a chiddush that came to him while he slept. ( Shu"t Maharsham, section 5, siman 29)
Maharam Shapiro of Lublin testified that the Maharsham (his step-grandfather) would review Masechtos Shabbos and Eiruvin every Shabbos (Refer to Sheiris Nosson, 1994, p. 390).
The Maharsham was a friend of the author, and a number of teshuvos in this book of responsa are addressed to him.
Lemberg, 1893. First edition.
Pagination: [2], 114; [1], 94 leaves.
Size: 30.5 cm.
Tears and tape to the margins of the first and last leaves. Solitary worming holes. Thin paper. New binding. Fine condition.