المزاد 11 Ancient books, & Rabbis Letters.
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الوحدة 39:

Handwritten manuscript of the Chasam Sofer himself! Pressburg, 5567- the year in which the Chasam Sofer's ...

تم البيع مقابل: $18,000
السعر المبدئي:
$ 18,000
عمولة صالة المزادات: 23% مزيد من التفاصيل
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 17% على العمولة فقط
23.11.21 في tzfunot

Handwritten manuscript of the Chasam Sofer himself! Pressburg, 5567- the year in which the Chasam Sofer's Torah leadership in Pressburg was initiated.

Wonderful commentary on parashios Korach, Chukas and Ballak in the holy handwriting of the Chasam Sofer- Rav Moshe Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and author of the famous Chasam Sofer. Taken from his notebook of chiddushim on the chumash, from year 5567 [1807].


His chiddushim on chumash from year 5567 are rare and few in number, as in that year, the Chasam Sofer began his Torah leadership role in Pressburg. Due to his many responsibilities at the onset of his leadership and in establishing the yeshiva, the Chasam Sofer wrote few chiddushim during that year- as Rav Yosef Naftali Stern writes in his introduction to sefer Drashos Chasam Sofer on page 13- letter beis in his list of manuscripts.

 [1] page, 19X23 cm. Written on both sides of page. On the parasha title, the Chasam Sofer drew a frame of sorts with four lines- this rare sketch is very uncommon in the Chasam Sofer's manuscripts. Good condition. The chiddushim were printed using this manuscript in Sefer Toras Moshe Al HaTorah, with the year written: 5567.


Rav Meir Arik mentioned, regarding the Chasam Sofer's chiddushim on Chumash: If all his writings are considered 'kodesh', then Sefer Torah Moshe is considered "kodesh kadashim'! (Brought in the introduction to the Chasan Sofer passover Haggada)


The segula of the Chasam Sofer's Holy Handwriting

It is well known that the Chasam Sofer's family members cherished the Chasam Sofer's writings as a segula for safeguarding and health. The Da'as Sofer would give a page with the Chasam Sofer's handwriting to be put under the head of the ill, as a segula for recovery (Kovetz Beis Sofrim, gimel, page 173). His son, the Michtav Sofer testified to the fact that the Maharam Bennet would take long looks at the response that the Chasam Sofer sent him, and would say: Just looking at the Chasam Sofer's handwriting is a segula for yiras Shamayim (Rav Yosef Naftali Stern in the prologue to Drashos Chasam Sofer, page 6). The Eshel Avraham of Buchach took the response he received from the Chasam Sofer and kissed it, saying that from his holy handwriting, it can be seen that he is a tzaddik, and there is a mitzvah to kiss a tzaddik (introduction of Rav Stern to Michtav Sofer responsa, page 7, footnote 12)