拍卖会 19 - Art Books and Original Art from the Green Brothers Collection
由 Trē Zouzē 举行
Masaryk 14, Tel Aviv, 以色列

We are proud to present a new catalog of art books, which also includes dozens of lithographs, engravings and original paintings by leading artists. We have close to 200 books that we purchased, as usual, from various collections and estates, including signed books and books with original lithographs. Please mind the shipping and collection terms.

* The books can be collected independently from our address at Masarik 14, Tel Aviv, between Sunday-Thursday 10:00-17:00, or by home delivery (in Israel) at a cost of NIS 45.

*** Shipments abroad will be calculated according to the destination and weight ***

for further details:

Dana - 050-5513559

Alon - 054-8133311

Ellie - 054-8365736


拍卖品 42:

The Popular Arts of Mexico

售出价为: $10 (₪35)
$ 10
拍卖行佣金: 20% 更多详细信息
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
25.10.22于 Trē Zouzē
标签: 画册

The Popular Arts of Mexico
by: K. Toneyama.
Heibonsha, 1972.
A stunning book that includes more than 300 large color images including various arts and crafts from Mexico, as well as a folding map at the end. First edition of the book, published in Japan. Given in a designed cardboard box.
Japanese, 228 pp., 37x27 cm. The book is in good condition. The box is in fair condition with tears and other defects. hard cover.
