Leilão 13 Rare Books and Books from the Estate of Natan Zach
Por Trē Zouzē
Masaryk 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

We are honored to present you with the second auction which includes books from the estate of Natan Zach, one of the greatest Hebrew poets. In recent months we have been blessed with repeated visits to the Tel Aviv apartment that was Zach's home, where we discovered that beyond being a poet, Zach was one of the most dedicated collectors we have come across.

In this auction we present art books with original lithographs, poetry books in first editions, books with autographs and dedications, including dedications to Zach, numbered and magnificent editions and various items of interest such as Rorschach's tablets, French newspapers from the Dreyfus affair, Edgar Allan Poe poems hand-illustrated by a German POW and so much more.

This is the second auction from a series of Zach's estate.

* The books can be collected independently from our address at Masaryk 14, Tel Aviv, between the days Sunday-Thursday 10: 00-17: 00, or delivered inside Israel at  a cost of 40 NIS, or abroad with price determined by weight and shipping method.

for further details:

Dana - 050-5513559

Alon- 054-8133311

Ellie- 054-8365736

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O leilão terminou

LOTE 26:

The Jewish State Theater and Habima - Tour in Germany, 1928, in addition to the Habima Booklet

Preço inicial:
$ 150
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
28.12.21 em Trē Zouzē
identificações: Livros, Livretos

The Jewish State Theater and Habima - Tour in Germany, 1928, in addition to the Habima Booklet
A book and two booklets from the tour of the Jewish State Theater in Moscow,   to Germany.
The theater was one of the leading theaters in Moscow, along with Habima, and in 1928 toured Germany and the United States. Here is a book and two booklets:
1. Das Moskauer Judische Akademische Theater, Verlag Die Schmiede, Berlin, 1928 - A book of photographs and articles on the Jewish State Theater from Moscow. Articles in German by Joseph Roth, Ernest Tuller and Alphonse Goldschmidt. Photographs from performances of the theater. Unidentified signature.
2. Das Moskauer Judische Akademische Theater - Program from a performance in the tour. Actors: Michaels and Zuskin. Dilapidated condition. Many advertisements
3. Dybuk, Moskauer Theater Habima - A program in German from Habima's tour in Berlin, 1926. Dilapidated condition. 4 pages.