拍卖会 6 第 2 阶段
由 Trē Zouzē 举行
Masaryk 14, Tel Aviv, 以色列
אספנות ספרים, ביבליופיליה, חתימת המר"ן עובדיה יוסף, קודש, רביניקה, ספרים עתיקים, ספרי ילדים, בולאות

拍卖品 188:

What should we eat? A Booklet about vegeterianism, 1930

售出价为: $130
$ 50
拍卖行佣金: 18% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
1.7.20于 Trē Zouzē

What should we eat? A Booklet about vegeterianism, 1930
A booklet named "What should we eat?"from the early days of vegeterianism in the settlement period, written by Rivka Bat Ayala on the basis of the writings of Dr. Bircher Benner of Switzerland. Concerns nutrition, kinds of foods and examples how to make them. Introduction includes reference to A.D. Gordon. A number of advertisemnsts from 1930 at the end. Author inscription to Shoshana Persitz. Moriah publishing, 1930. Good condition, 63 pages