sabato, 21.12.24, 10:00
1951 W Division Rd Fowler Indiana 47944, Stati Uniti

LOTTO 214:

Boxed American Flyer prewar O The Express Electric passenger set. Set consists of 1090 Empire Express box cab ...

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Prezzo iniziale:
$ 5
Prezzo stimato :
$5 - $200
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20% Altri dettagli
IVA: 8.875% Sul prezzo del lotto, Non c'è IVA su commissione
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Boxed American Flyer prewar O The Express Electric passenger set. Set consists of 1090 Empire Express box cab electric locomotive with fatigued wheels that still turn nicely and a loose pantograph, two passenger cars, a tiny 1046 20 watt transformer, two pieces of curved O gauge 3 rail track and a track clip that doubles as a switch in an excellent original box with home made dividers.