sabato, 21.12.24, 10:00
1951 W Division Rd Fowler Indiana 47944, Stati Uniti

LOTTO 212:

Boxed American Flyer prewar O Century of Progress set. Set consists of 3107 box cab electric locomotive that is all ...

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Prezzo iniziale:
$ 5
Prezzo stimato :
$5 - $120
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20% Altri dettagli
IVA: 8.875% Sul prezzo del lotto, Non c'è IVA su commissione
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Boxed American Flyer prewar O Century of Progress set. Set consists of 3107 box cab electric locomotive that is all original but the wheels have expanded and have the motor seized, 3150 baggage car, 3161 coach and 3162 observation car, C6-7 with a good set box and correct passenger car boxes with writing on them as seen in the photos.