Leilão 7 Tiferet Auction House - Special and Rare items
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Beit HaShenhav 12, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, Israel

Religious articles, Letters from Tzadikim from previous generations , Hasidic books from first print, attributed copies and discoveries from the extermination camps in Europe.

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LOTE 71:

'מי יודע אם לעת כזאת הגיע למשרתו' Fundamental and important letter from the Rabbi of Lubavitch detailing his exact ...

Vendido por: $1 000 (₪3 544)
₪3 544
Preço inicial:
$ 1 000
Preço estimado :
$2 000 - $2 500
Comissão da leiloeira: 22%
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
11.9.19 em Tiferet Auctions

'מי יודע אם לעת כזאת הגיע למשרתו' Fundamental and important letter from the Rabbi of Lubavitch detailing his exact method about spreading Torah and Juadism, establishing 'shluchim' in Marocco, and the duty of each individual person in this world. Rare. Mostly not printed.
Rare and detailed letter, by the Admo"r Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Lubavitch, in it the Rabbi of Lubavitch explains, in his first years of leadership, detailing his exact method in tthe way of Chassidut, about the strength required spreading Torah, Judaism and Chassidut among the masses of Jews.
This letter the Rabbi wrote to the Gaon and righteous Rabbi Alexander Sender Yudasin of Tel Aviv from the great Rabbanim of Chaba"d in Israerl, only a small part of the letter is brought in the 'Igrot Hakodesh' (holy letter) volume 8, letter b' 542.
The Rabbi opens the letter on a personal and private subject and ends this topic with his holy blessings and many greetings: that from here he should obtain only good greetings about his son and family and for himself in general.
Here the Rabbi opens his letter comprehensively and includes a good explanation about his method on the subject of spreading Juadism:
It's a wonder, that until now he did not let us know that his son was in Morocco in the city of Rabat where he is serving as Rosh Yeshiva in the Beit HaMedrash... and also more interesting on his son that he did not write until now, as he surley knows about our activities of Chaba"d in Morocco.
Of course there is no intention to merely writing letters, but to take advantage of his ability to inspire on many young men In Morocco who are aspiring to become leaders there, which through his son true Jewish ideas will be brought to them in general, and the doctrine of Chassidut its customs and ways specifically.
ומי יודע אם לעת כזאת הגיע למשרתו הנ"ל. וכמבואר בארוכה גם בהקדמת פירוש המשניות לרמב"ם והקוטב בזה הוא ג"כ בפתגם הבעש"ט ששמענו כמה פעמים מכ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר אשר נשמה יורדת למטה מאיגרא רמה לבירא עמיקתא אפילו בשביל לעשות פעם אחת טובה לאיש הישראלי ברוחניות ובגשמיות. מובן ג"כ שכוונתי בכל הנ"ל הוא לא לאמור מוסר או שישאר אצל כת"ר בסוד, אלא שבהקדם ינצל את השפעתו על בנו הנ"ל בכיוון הזה......
In addition to this, what had been discussed at the 'Hisvaadut' gathering this Purim, if not taking advantage of the abundance of strength G-d gave to a person and the strength given by ancestral heritage, All fathers would claim about their strength being disregarded without being used for their purpose, adding on the essence, not fulfilling the higher commands- which surely was given and the strength to be used in all areas and not to be in a sleep mode.
והשי"ת יזכה את כת"ר שבקרוב ממש יודיע מהטבת בריאות זוגתו תחי' ובריאות עצמו וכן בהנוגע לבניו וכל יו"ח שי'.

[1] official page printed on airmail letter. with logo 22x18cm. Signature of the Rabbi.