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Shnei Luchot Habrit, first edition, Amsterdam, 1648-1649 Personal copy from hrh"k Rabbi Shimon Nosson Nata of Leluv ...
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Shnei Luchot Habrit, first edition, Amsterdam, 1648-1649 Personal copy from hrh"k Rabbi Shimon Nosson Nata of Leluv [Krakow] with editing and names.
!לא נראה כבושם הזה
The Shl"a HaKodosh first edition, Amsterdam 1648. Personal copy of hrh"k Rabbi Shimon Nosson Nata Biderman of Leluv-Krakow, son of hrh"k Rabbi David Tzvi Shlomo of Leluv with Kvitlech he saved for protection, editing and dedications.
Sefer Shnei Luchot Habrit אמרות טהורות מפנינים יקרות חבור על שתי תורות בכתב ובפה מסיני מסורות מהגבור בגובורת איש אלקי בוצינא קדישא מרא דארעא דישראל החכם השלם בכל מדות וחכמות גלויות וסתומות הגאון אשר שפעת יפעת אור תורתו זרח בכל התוצה מקצה אל קצה כבוד מהר"ר ישעיה במהר"ר אברהם הלוי זצ"ל ממשפחת הורוויץ הספון וטמון במנוחתו בארעא קדישא...
First edition, Amsterdam [1648-1649] Emanuel Benevnishti publisher. with separate cover sheet for the introduction 'ווי העמודים' (Vovei HaAmudim) by the son of the author Rabbi Sheftil Sega"l.
'מרוב ענוה כאשר גבר ענותנותו הוא לקיים מצות כבוד אחר מות אביו קרא אותו בשם הקדמה כאלו אינו ספר בפני עצמו רק הקדמה בעלמא לספר אביו הגדול...אמנם הוא ספר גדול ברב איכות וחדושים מופלאים....
Rare and unique copy, kept in very good condition, belonged as stated to hrh"k Rabbi Shimon Nosson Nata Biderman of Leluv-Krakow, Great and holy sage lived in the Holy City of Jerusalem. He traveled durring his life to bask by his Rabbi hrh"k Rabbi Yisrael of Stolin [the 'Yenuka', called the 'Frankfurter' for the place of his holy grave in Frankfurt]. During the years 1913-1926 he established his courtyard in the Jewish city of 'Krakow' and from there his name spread all over Poland.
In this edition of the Shl"a HaKodosh, the Rabbi placed kvitlech and reminders of requests he received and they have been kept up till today over 90 years, without anyone touching and removing them from the place the holy Rabbi placed them.
At the beginning of the sefer are names of dedications. Hand written large and similar to the hand writing of Rabbanim of Leluv.
Also important ownership signatures that have not been decrypted.
Within the sefer there are two editings holy hand written on the rare volume:
One long one, at the beginning of the number of commandments starting as known from Parashat Bo, he added the commandments from before Parashat Bo, according to Sefer HaChinuch.
The second comment, is a few lines, in Kabalah, about dealing honestly.
Found among the kvitlech, is an interesting note with a list of expenses for the Beit Hakneset, and at the end is written:
'וד' ירחם עלינו בזכות אבותנו שלא יהא ח"וש שום מכשול ושום פקפוק ושיהא עסיקתנו למזל וברכה והצלחה ולכל ישראל לאלטער אמן ואמן
מעבר לפיתקא, סיכום בעיפרון על ההוצאות המוזכרות בפיתקא בכתב יד הרה"ק רבי שמעון נתן נטע.
Saved in the sefer are old threads from a Talis Katan which is a known custom to save in Holy Sefarim. Also, a page of a Machzor for prayers of Shalosh Regalim.
[1], 44, [3] 2-421 pages [seems to bee missing last page] light reinforcements on few pages. tears from aging on the edges of the page. The front cover is detached. Spinal binding in fair condition. Original cover, general condition good.
The sefer stood in the home of his eldest son hrh"k Rabbi Pinchas David, protected with awe and respect, and as noted before has never been touched by anyone.
Attached authorization from the heirs.