Archive Rabbi Meir Chai Tzadok Mizrachi, Rabbi of Sha'arayim. [25] Documents and letters. Including letters to the Rishon Letzion HaRav BenTzion Chai Uzial, and letter from Rav of Adat HaTaimanim HaRav Shalom HaLevi. 1939-1949.
*Receipt Rabbi Meir Tzadok Mizrachi received for donation to Talmud Torah Chayai Olam and Beit Tavshil L'Yesomim, Jerusalem 1939.
*Pesak Din (ruling) hand written, with hand written signature and stamp of the Rav about a man behaving immoraly with a woman who was not his wife and wanting to abandone his wife marrying with the said woman.In the letter HaRav Mizrachi rules that marriage is prohibited. "כל זמן שהוא קשור באשתו"and on the man he commanded "לקבל על עצמו נזיפה כראוי עד שישוב בתשובה ושב ורפא לו" Sha'arayim, 1943. [1] page 19cm.
*Letter to Chief Rabbi BenTzion Meir Chai Uzial, on the matter mentioned above: "בקשתי היא שכ' רבינו ישלח מחאה ותוכחת מוסר ועונש ראוי לאיש הזה על הפריצות הזאת יען שהוא חושב לקחת אותה בקידושין גמורים ויעזוב אשתו בעלת שמונה בנים".
HaRav Mizrachi specifies the importance of this matter since more are planning to leave their wives "לכן הנני מחלה פני אדוני הרב... שישלח לאסור איסר על המתפרצים לעשות הרע לנשותיהם". 1943. Written by hand [1] page.
*Agreement arranged by R' Meir Mizrachi who was in charge of "Talmud Torah Sha'arayim" and the principal of the Talmud Torah, to rent a room in the Talmud Torah for prayers for three months. The agreement specifies the renters obligation to guard the order and cleanliness, without disturbing worshippes from the bottom floor.and "שלא להתקוטט בשעת תפלה" (not to contest during prayers). 1944
*.[2] Arbitration documents: arbitration document with agreement "להשפט לפני הרב מאיר הרב דשעריים" on the matter of dispute over the estate עזבון צריף ומטלטלין, Sha'arayim. Rechovot 1945. Arbitration document to deliver "כל הסכסוכים שיש ביננו והאנטרוקות לידי הרב דמתא שערים מרן הרב הגאון מאיר צדוק שליטא אשר יברר ביננו את כל הסכסוכים" 1946.
*[3] Copies of "Announcement and warning to the whole holy community in the Sha'arayim and it's surrounding neighborhood." Against traveling to swimm on Shabbat. " and we request from all fathers and mothers! Sisters and brothers to try to convince boys and girls and all relatives to keep back from this evil actions because the guardians of Shabbat are considered as if they performed all of the Torah and will be blessed and those that listen will be assured in G-Ds protection." The letter is printed with hand written signature of the Rav with no date. 26cm. One of the copies are torn and damaged.
*Receipt from HaRav Meir Tzadok Mizrachi for donation to the Talmud Torah Chayai Olam and Beit Hatavshil L'Yesomim. Jerusalem 1945.
*Letter from Rabbi Shalom Bharh"g Yechia Yitzchok HaLevi, Rabbi of Adat HaTaimanim and member of Rabbanut in Yafo and Tel Aviv to HaRav Meir Tzadok, about reconciling between a couple or arranging their get, and about a sick man who requested help from the public until he recovers. Tel Aviv 1945.
*Shtar Pruzbul that was conducted befor the Daayanim or Sha'arayim and mainly HaRav Meir Chayai Tzadok Mizrachi.[perhaps 1945].
*Agreement made in Sha'arayim - Rechovot, written 4th day of Elul [1945] and signed on 5th day of Tevet [1945] after failing to succeed to make peace with the quariling couple, the couple expressed their wish to part from each other with a kosher get. The document indicates for the woman to take care of their small daughter and the man to take care of their two sons. And after they separate they are not allowed to comment one on the other with bad words.. Or even with words of praise…all this is absolutely forbidden and whoever disobeys will be obligated with the explicit compensation indicated." [1] page with signature and stamp and hand written signature of Harav. Noticeable damage on the page.
*[2] Certificate on arbitration ruling: authorization on rulings of HaRav Meir Tzadok Mizrachi about estate arbitration of Mr. Yechia Salm Parchi, Sha'arayim. 1945. In addition certificate of authorization from daughters of R' Mr. Yechia stating that they have no claim or lawsuit about their fathers estate.
*Letter from HaRav Tzvi Steiman, Rav of Rachovot, to HaRav Meir Mizrachi, Rav of Sha'arayim. About a husaband in Jerusalem to invite him "לאיים עליו ולשולחו לירושלים להתדיין עם אשתו בפני בית הדין הגדול לעדת הספרדים". ("To threaten him and send him to Jerusalem to discuss with his wife before the Grand Bet Din of the Sefardim")
HaRav Steiman speculates that he can not speak with him in my language, The defendant is Jerusalemite Yemenite which is hard for me to understand his language.
Therefor he requests from Rav Mizrachi since he is close to him it would be better to talk clearly with him. 1946. [1] page 19cm. with stamp and signature of Rav Steiman.
*[2] Signed copies of final rulings of arbitration judgment, by Rabbi Meir Chai Tzadok Mizrachi and his court, about Beating and insults Sha'arayim, 1946. "In reference to the insults that happened between them whereas both equaly insulted each other, therefor each is required to ask forgiveness one from the other and from now on and sign a guarantee of 10 lira for good behavier….part for the K'eren K'ayemet L'Yisrael and part to the government as a fixed penalty for the one starting insulting the other, according to witnesses and clear vision. [1] page, printed, with stamp of HaRav Mizrachi, signature of him and two Daayanim added.
*Letter from the Center of Taharat Hamishpacha, Send to Rabbi Meir Chai Tzadok Mizrachi, the Chief Rabbi of Israel to speak on the importance of family purity, and to signify "Special campaign about family purity… the value of this great commandment and severe punishment for those that violate it. Additionaly the damage harming our families." Also requesting the Rav to run a campaign for "Keren HaMikvaot", for setting up new Mikvahot Teharot and refurbish existing mikvahot. 1946. [1] printed paper, personal information filled in by hand. Jerusalem 1946.
*Letter from the Vaad HaLumi L'Knesset Yisrael, department of communities and Rabbanim, requesting to inform Rabbi Meir Chai Mizrachi about his appearance on the list. Jerusalem 1946. With stamp of the Vad Halumi, printed and hand written siganatures.
*Ruling about clothing and food claimed by woman from village of Marmeruk (today Rechovot neighborhood) from her husband. The husband refused to come to Din Torah and Bet Din ruled to supervise her hudbands property to pay for her livelihood and make available a room in her husband house. 1946. Letter typed with typewriter without specifiying the names of the judges and with no signature.
*Letter from the administration of Keren HaChinuch Torainu to HaRav Meir Tzadok, requesting to arrange the events and help the youth of "Mifal Machaztis HaShekel for the sake of Keren HaChinuch Torainu in Isreal" and to please encourage the public to help the organization "Hul HaCha"I" – to collect (kofer nefesh) money to redeem the soul, for the Days of Rachamim and Selichot to support the Talmud Torah's " in the settlements, cities and villages." Tel Aviv 1947.
*Letter from Committee of "Shechunat Efrayim" next to Rechovot to Rabbanim of the city "Honorary Rav R' Meir Chai Mizrachi, to help in the conituation of building a Mikveh in the neighborhhod. 1949. [1] page with stamp of the committee and hand written signature from the members fo the committee. Tears and damage on the side of the page.
*Questions and answere about Shabbat, hand written by HaRav Meir Chai Tzadok Mizrachi and his hand written signature. [2] pages paper is damaged only bottom part is left.[unknown date of this document].
Various conditions, fair- good condition.