Asta 55 April 2024
Da Tiferet Auctions
Beit HaDfus 12, B, 4th floor, Jerusalem, Israele
Tiferet's Auction 55!
L'asta è terminata



Likutim Yekarim, compiled from the words of ...

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 300
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
9.4.24 in Tiferet Auctions

Likutim Yekarim, compiled from the words of the Besht and his disciples, [Ostroh?], [1820?]. A copy that was given to the Beis Midrash of the Tzaddik of Ovritch in Safed. 

Likutim Yekarim, compiled from the words of the Besht, the Maggid of Mezeritch, the holy Rav Menachem Mendel of Premishlan, the holy Rav Yechiel Michl of Yompla and the holy Rav [Meshulam] Feibish of Zabrizh. [Ostroh?] [1820?]. 

37, 39-42 leaves, 22 cm. Printed in this edition are passages from letters by the holy Rav Meshulam Feibish of Zabrizh which were not printed in prior editions. With owner's notations and signatures, including "Chaim Nosson Shapiro" and Rabbi Yehoshua ben rabbi Moshe Shuv who immigrated to Safed and dedicated this copy to the Beis Midrash of the Tzaddik Rav of Ovritch.  

Y. Yudelov, Ginzei Yisroel, no. 1155 is uncertain about the place and date of printing and claims that possibly, the Sefer was printed in Zholkva in ca. 1800. 

The holy Rav Rabbi Avraham Dov of Ovritch (1760-1840) - succeeded his father as Av Beis Din of Chmelnik and since 1785, succeeded his father-in-law as Av Beis Din of Ovritch and the communities around it. Was close to the holy Rav Rabbi Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl the author of Me'or Enayim and to his son. 

In ca. 1825, he was appointed Rosh Av Beis Din of Zhitomir and in 1869 immigrated to Eretz Yisroel and founded his Beis Midrash in Safed. 

Renewed binding, stains, some moth damage, damage from a fire to the edges of the last leaves slightly affecting the text, fair-good condition.