拍卖会 51 Tiferet - Auction 51
Beit HaDfus 12, B, 4th floor, Jerusalem, 以色列

Rare and exciting collection of precious items, the best of collectibles and Segulah items:

Letters by Chassidic shepherds, pedigreed copies of Tzaddikim, manuscripts by leading rabbis, books printed at the pedigreed printeries of Slavuta and Zhytomyr, artifacts that had belonged to Tzaddikim and first editions.


拍卖品 101:

Family Letter by the Birkas Avraham of Slonim with Blessings for Salvation and Good Health


$ 300
估计的价格 :
$800 - $1,000
拍卖行佣金: 23%
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
6.12.23于 Tiferet Auctions

Family Letter by the Birkas Avraham of Slonim with Blessings for Salvation and Good Health

Letter with blessings for good health handwritten by the holy Admor the Birkas Avraham of Slonim to his son Rabbi Mordechai and his daughter-in-law - "בישועה ורפואה וכל טוב להבן עם הבת"

The letter is not dated; apparently written in Jerusalem in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Most of it handwritten by the Birkas Avraham, the last lines being written by his wife the pious Rebbetzin Hadassah (the daughter of the Chassid Rabbi Mordechai Leader - Reb Motkeh) in Yiddish. 

Written on the official stationery of the Beis Avraham Yeshiva and Talmud Torah.  

Please refer to Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the Admor Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the third) of Slonim, author of the Birkat Avraham. 

[1] leaf. 22 cm. Good condition. Stains. Fold lines.  
