Vente 46 Tiferet - 46
Par Tiferet Auctions
Beit HaDfus 12, B, 4th floor, Jerusalem, Israël

Tiferet SheBaTiferet - Auction 46 of the Tiferet Auction House

Rare and exciting collection of precious items, the best of collectibles and Segulah items:

Letters by Chassidic shepherds, pedigreed copies of Tzaddikim, manuscripts by leading rabbis, books printed at the pedigreed printeries of Slavuta and Zhytomyr, artifacts that had belonged to Tzaddikim and first editions.

La vente est terminée

LOT 44:

Blessings for Good Health and Success Signed by Maran the Holy Rav Rabbi Yoel of Satmar

Vendu pour: $3 800
Prix de départ:
$ 3 500
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
4.6.23 à Tiferet Auctions

Blessings for Good Health and Success Signed by Maran the Holy Rav Rabbi Yoel of Satmar

'השם יתברך ירפאהו ברפואה שלמה במהרה וישוב לאיתנו ולתקפו' letter of blessings with the handwritten signature of Maran the holy Rav Rabbi Yoel of Satmar with an addition handwritten by him. Parashat Chayei Sarah 1961. 

In the letter of blessings, the holy Rav of Satmar writes: 'וישוב לאיתנו ולתקפו והשב כהנים לעבודתם בבריאות השלימות ויצליח בכל ענייניו בגו"ר ואך טוב וחסד ישכון באהליכם ויזכה לבשר בשורות טובות כל הימים כאשר עם לבבו ולב ונפש. Then he himself added ידידו הדו"ש באה"ר [=הדורש שלומו באהבה רבה] and his handwritten signature. 

Maran the holy Rav Rabbi Yoel of Satmar [1887-1979] One of Gedolei Hador who fought fiercely against the destructors of religion. Gaon Av Beis Din of Satmar and eventually Gaon Av Beis Din of Jerusalem and of Kiryas Yoel. 

[1] official stationery of the Rebbe of Satmar. Fold lines. Taping to the edges. Good-very good condition. 

Measurement:  14 x 21 cm