Leilão 29 Tiferet 29 - Rare and Special Items
Por Tiferet Auctions
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israel

Tiferet 29 - Rare and Special Items

A special auction of rare items:

First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more. 

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LOTE 38:

Beis Moed, printed in Sha'ar HaKavanos on the Moadim, authored by Rabbi Chaim Vital from what he received by ...

Preço inicial:
$ 6 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
30.8.21 em Tiferet Auctions

Beis Moed, printed in Sha'ar HaKavanos on the Moadim, authored by Rabbi Chaim Vital from what he received by the holy Ari. Handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shem Tov Gabai, a disciple of the holy Or HaChaim. [1741]. 

Sefer "Beis Moed - to elucidate the matters of the Moadim and Chol HaMoed and Hanukkah and Purim and Rosh Chodesh", handwritten by Rabbi Shem Tov Gabai. On the last leaf, a postface and the writer's handwritten signature "I the young ... Shem Tov ben Yaakov have written this Sefer Kavanos in the year of 1741 and it has been completed on the eve of Passover of that year. Shem Tov ben Yaakov Gabai S.T." A unique source for comparing to the printed version!

[95] leaves, paginated [47]-136, 138-[142], 21 cm. Leaf 137 is missing. Sephardic script. 

This composition appears in Sefer Sha'ar HaKavanos: Sefer "Tzeddek VeShalom" Sefer "Yaffa Sha'ah", leaf 76-109: In the version copied by Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach in his Sefer "Olas Tamid" it is written "This I found in the writing of my teacher himself, yet I did not know whether it was his and I tend to think it is". At the end of this manuscript, as well as in the printed version, it was written: "This far the entire Sefer Drushim of the Rav has reached and I have not left out anything of his words". The version of the manuscript has minor changes compared to the printed one.

Appearing on leaf [54] of the manuscript: "Said Shmuel I have agreed..." citing Rabbi Shmuel Vital the son of Rabbi Chaim Vital, who edited his father's writings.

About the importance of the manuscript of Sefer "Beis Moed", see Meir Bnayahu's article, Sefer Zikaron LeHaRav Yitzchak Nissim, 4, p. 109 and onward. 

The Kabbalist Rav Rabbi Shem Tov Gabai - a disciple of Rabbi Shmuel Elbaz and a leading disciple of Rabbi Chaim Ben Atar - the holy Or HaChaim, who accompanied him when he immigrated from Morocco to Eretz Yisroel. The Chida, in his Sefer "Shem HaGedolim" (2, 9, 5) refers to the manuscript of the "Tov VaChessed" Sefer Derashos, authored by Rabbi Shem Tov Gabai. Studied at the "Knesses Yisroel" Beis Midrash in Jerusalem and headed, with his friend Rabbi Yonah Navon, the "Gedulah Mordechai" yeshiva founded by the philanthropist Mordechai Taluk Ma'aravi.

Aging stains, a missing leaf, wear to the margins of the first leaf and several of the last leaves, good general condition.  

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