Vente 28 Tiferet 28 - Rare and Special Items
Par Tiferet Auctions
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israël

A special auction of rare items:

First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more. 

La vente est terminée

LOT 65:

Ba'al HaNefesh by Rabbeinu the Rabad. Berditchev, [1817]. 

Sefer Ba'al HaNefesh, by Rabbeinu ...

Vendu pour: $360
Prix de départ:
$ 180
Commission de la maison de ventes: 23%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
21.7.21 à Tiferet Auctions

Ba'al HaNefesh by Rabbeinu the Rabad. Berditchev, [1817]. 

Sefer Ba'al HaNefesh, by Rabbeinu the Rabad, on Hilchos Nidan and Mikveh, with Hasagos HaRezah and Hilchos Nidah by the Ramban. [Yisrael Bak Press], Berditchev, [1817]. Approbations by Rabbi Yisroel ben Rabbi Yitzchak Levi of Berditchev and Rabbi Moshe of Yopli. 

40 leaves, 20 cm. bluish paper. Owner's stamp "ישאל שואל פרענקול" and stamp of the holy Rav Zvi Aryeh Avraham of Olik. 

The holy Rav Zvi Aryeh Avraham ben HaRav Shimon Landau of Olik. Lost his father as a child. He and his brother were crowned Admorim, succeeding their father, by the holy Rav Rabbi David Moshe of Chortkov. In 1924 he immigrated to the USA and for many years served as the last Admor of Olik in New York. The Admor of Chortkov blessed the Admorim brothers of Olik that all their blessings will be accompanied by his. Author of Hagahos on his father's Sefer "Sheva Oros". 

Wear to the new binding, moth holes, aging stains.


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