拍卖会 25 Tiferet 25 - Rare and Special Items
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, 以色列

A special auction of rare items:

First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.  


拍卖品 120:

Lengthy responsum, has never been printed, handwritten by the renowned holy Gaon Maran the "Chazon Nachum" of ...

售出价为: $2,500
$ 2,500
拍卖行佣金: 23%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
12.4.21于 Tiferet Auctions

Lengthy responsum, has never been printed, handwritten by the renowned holy Gaon Maran the "Chazon Nachum" of Dombrova. [1936].

This responsum letter contains a lengthy Pipul on Dinei Kodashim, about Atzei HaMa'aracha, on the obligation to distance man from sin in Tractates Berachos and Menachos and the entire sea of Talmud, with the renowned genius and clarity of the Gaon of Galicia and its glory Maran the Holy Gaon Rabbi Nachum Weidenfeld author of the Chazon Nachum Shut, sent to his disciple the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Langer. 

The unknown responsum has never been printed and actually completes what Rabbeinu wrote in the Chazon Nachum Shut at its end in the 'Dibarti BeChazon' Kuntras 59: והיא הערה חדתא ובתשו' להחריף לכמר"י לאנגער כתבתי אריכות פלפול ואכ"מ [=ואין כאן מקומו]".

It should be noted, on the other hand, that Rabbeinu in his responsum here writes and notes that elsewhere he has  extended his Pilpul "אולם קשה עתירי מחדתי, על כתב מחדש הכל". Thus, this Pipul, which has been unknown until now, remained in its glory. 

The holy Gaon Rabbi Nachum the son of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Weidenfeld (1875-1939) Av Beis Din of Dombrova, one of the greatest rabbis and Meshivim of his generation in Galicia. His Torah innovations are widespread in yeshivas and his holiness and greatness are admired to this day. His younger brother Sar haTorah of Tshebin considered him his leading Rav who raised and guided him. 

Despite his genius and greatness, he followed the Holy Rav of Shinava, who greatly admired him. Since 1896 served as Av Beis Din of Dombrova. In 1939, published his Sefer "Chazon Nachum" Shut section A (Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah, Mahadura Kama), yet most of his Torah was destroyed in the Holocaust. 

His passing was horrific when during the Holocaust he was forced to watch hi sTEfillin being debased. He could not bear he sight and his pure and great heart stopped and he passed away. 

[4] pp. official stationery, 22 cm. Handwritten entirely by the Chazon Nachum and with his signature. 

 Fold marks, wear along the fold lines, stains, good-very good condition. 


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