拍卖会 24 Tiferet 24 - Rare and Special Items
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, 以色列

A special auction of rare items:

First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.  


拍卖品 81:

Two pages - have never been printed, written by the holy hand of the Holy Gaon author of the 'Baruch Ta'am' ...

售出价为: $12,000
$ 9,500
拍卖行佣金: 23%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
17.3.21于 Tiferet Auctions

Two pages - have never been printed, written by the holy hand of the Holy Gaon author of the 'Baruch Ta'am' Rabbi Baruch Frankel-Te'omim of Leipnik. 

Two densely written pages by the special holy hand of the admired Gaon Rabbeinu the Baruch Ta'am of Leipnik.  Posek Hora'ah. The in-law of Maran the Holy Rav the Divrei Chaim of Sanz and the grandfather of the greatest Tzaddikim of Sanz, Maran the Sefas Emes and the dynasty of the Tzaddikim of Gur. 

[2] pp. 46 lines, all handwritten by the Gaon the Baruch Ta'am. Ends with a kind of curl on the last word "ודו"ק" from the Suggiya of 'בפני נכתב ובפני נחתם'  of Tractate Kiddushin. Hasagos and elucidations on the Maharam Schif and matters of the Suggiya. Begins in the middle of the Suggiya and ends at the end of the issue. 

10.7X12.5 cm. Original erasures by the Gaon the Baruch Ta'am. A stain towards the end of the innovations covering several letters. Well-preserved. Very good condition. 

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