A special auction of rare items:
First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.
LOS 11:
Rare! Sefer 'Metzaref Ha'Avodah' with an exclusive letter from the Holy Baal HaTanya. Rabbi Arye Leib Shapiro ...
Verkauft für: $1 300 (₪4 286)
₪4 286
1 300
Auktionshaus-Provision: 23%
MwSt: 18%
Nur auf die Provision!
Rare! Sefer 'Metzaref Ha'Avodah' with an exclusive letter from the Holy Baal HaTanya. Rabbi Arye Leib Shapiro Press. Zhytomyr 1855.
Sefer 'Metzaref Ha'Avodah': "הוא ויכוח אשר היה זה כשמונים שנה בין שני גדולי הדור, האחד מעדת החסידים והשני מעת המנגדים, ושניהם לשם שמים נתכוונו... ונלחמו על שדה הנגלה והנסתר, ועל ים התלמוד והפוסקים, ואחרי כן איש את רעהו השלימו. עוד נוסף לזה מכתב מאת הרב הגאון הגדול מופת הדור... מוהר"ר שניאור זלמן [מק"ק לאדי] זצוק"ל". (A dispute going back about 80 years, between two great sages of the generation, one from Chassidim and the other from Misnagdim, both with pure intentions for G-ds sake.... fought through the revealed and hidden realms, through the Talmud and Poskim, and after all were completely in love with each other. Also added a letter from the great Gaon and wonder worker of the generation.... Rabbi Shneur Zalman [of Liadi] zt"l.)
Rabbi Arye Leib Shapiro Press, grandson of Rav of Slavita. Brought to print the second time by Rabbi Meir Greenshpan.
On page 32, Signatuer of : "פנחס במו"ה יהודא ליב אב"ד פה וויקראב פארמשיע [?] טווערסקי" .
This sefer was first printed in Königsberg in 1858. This copy here is from the second and very rare edition, with many variations from the first edition. The Sefer discusses the essence of Chassidut, what it is and who is called Chassidim, what are their customs and more, all in question and answer format, formated like the sefer 'Kuzari'. Dramatic historical revelations in the sefer on the great gaon Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and his son Rabbi Yitzchak.
Note, the sefer 'Vikucha Raba' is similar to this sefer in subject, but differs in essence, in its order and content, was printed much earlier in many editions.
70 pages. 15 cm. Light moth marks. Diagonal cut on few pages. New leather cover. Very good condition.
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