Leilão 24 Tiferet 24 - Rare and Special Items
Por Tiferet Auctions
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israel

A special auction of rare items:

First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.  

O leilão terminou

LOTE 24:

Recommendation by Rabbi Ovadya Yosef, handwritten and signed by him, to assist with the publishing of the Sefer ...

Vendido por: $300 (₪989)
Preço inicial:
$ 180
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
17.3.21 em Tiferet Auctions

Recommendation by Rabbi Ovadya Yosef, handwritten and signed by him, to assist with the publishing of the Sefer of Rabbi Asher Chadad "Shmo Asher". Jerusalem, [1991]. 

"I hereby appeal to your Excellency, to help our brother ... who deals with Kodashim in publishing the Geonim of Tunisia ... to you dignitaries I call to contribute and assist handsomely and generously to the above Gaon Rav and the merit of the Torah shall protect all those who contribute and assist..." A letter of recommendation by the Rishon LeZion Maran Rabbi Ovadya Yosef to help in the publishing of the Sefer "Shmo Asher" authored by Rabbi Asher ben Rabbbi Nissim Chadad of Netivot.

[1] leaf, official stationery, 22 cm. With an embossed stamp of the emeblem of the state. The entire letter is handwritten and signed by the Rav. 

Stains, fair-fgood condition.  

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