Important art work and items from Israeli Jewish and Eastern European Artists
1625 E. 7th St. Brooklyn, New York United States, Stati Uniti

American auction house

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LOTTO 104:

Arieh Merzer (1905-1966)

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 45
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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1.8.16 in THE BO GALLERY

Arieh Merzer (1905-1966)
Safed and her People, Eighteen reliefs in Metal.Arieh Merzer was born in Warsaw in 1905 to an extensive Hasidic family. He graduated from the Warsaw Academy of Art where he studied under Professor Adam Richtarski, and later worked with a group of Jewish artists who sought to revive the ancient Eastern - Jewish art of metal beating (metalloplastics), which had been passed down through the generations from Bible times. In 1928, Merzer exhibited his work for the first time in Warsaw and from 1930 he lived and worked in Paris. He was a member of the group of Jewish artists who gathered in Paris and who became known as the Jewish "Paris School". in 1943, with the Nazi occupation of France, Merzer escaped from a concentration camp and following a period with the partisans, he crossed the border to Switzerland where he was put into a labor camp. He later reached Geneva, where his first album of works was published. In 1945 he emigrated to Palestina with his family, settled in Safed and was one of the founders of the artists quarter. His works are to be found in collections and museums all over the world.