Leilão 105 Parte 1 Jewish History: Books, Documents, Autographs, Photographs, Rare antique/Old books, Jewelry: Silver, Fashion
Por The Bidder
Leibowitsz 9a, Gedera (entrance: stairs - white gate with trail), Israel

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LOTE 46:

Sbornik statei po evreiskoi istorii i literature, 1st book, 1st issue, illust., 1 st ed., 1866, in Russian, Hebrew ...

Preço inicial:
$ 200
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
26.11.23 em The Bidder

Sbornik statei po evreiskoi istorii i literature, 1st book, 1st issue, illust., 1 st ed., 1866, in Russian, Hebrew, Rare!
Sbornik statei po evreiskoi istorii i literature, 1st book, 1st issue, illust., 1 st ed., 1866, in Russian and Hebrew, Rare!
Collection of articles on Jewish history and literature, 1st book 1st issue. Society for the spread of education among Jews in Russia.
St. Petersburg, 1866, I; IV;, III, 188; X, 62; 30 pp. engraved frontispiece - Monument to Jewish soldiers who died for the Fatherland during the defense of Sevastopol during the war of 1854-1855.
Stamp of the library and signature in Russian of Shlomo Kaplan (1908-1974), one of the founders of choral music in Israel
Hard embossed leather modern binding with gold lettering to spine, marmoreal endpapers, 22.5 x 16 cm.
Condition: ex-library stamps; light brown paper, repair strips, owner’s inscription to title page; first and some pages with foxing stains; edges cut off by binding but text is not affected.
Weight: 480 gr.
According to historical research, more than 2,500 Jews fought in the Russian army during the defense of Sevastopol: soldiers, sailors and cantonists. Of these, about 500 died in battle.[1] At the same time, Jews also served in the coalition troops that besieged Sevastopol, some of them were buried in the Fraternal Cemetery. The activities of Jewish doctors also earned high praise from the command.[2] In 1864, on the slope of Panayotova Balka[3], a monument was erected by the Odessa sculptor Francois Vernet (1800-1865).[4] On the obelisk there are inscriptions in Russian and Hebrew: “In memory of the Jewish soldiers who died for the Fatherland during the defense of Sevastopol during the war of 1854-1855.” At the moment, the monument is located on the territory of the Sevastopol Marine Plant. Subsequently, the monument suffered from military operations, occupation and vandalism.[5] For the 150th anniversary of the Crimean War, in the fall of 2004, the monument was restored.[6] It is the only monument in Europe to Jews who fought in the regular army.
Shlomo Kaplan (1908-1974), one of the founders of choral music in Israel, was born in Russia and immigrated to the Land of Israel in 1927. He started off as a pioneer at the Ness Ziona "group", which founded Moshav Beit Oved, and simultaneously began studying music at the Leviim school managed by Prof. David Shor. At the same time he also sang at an opera choir managed by Mordechai Golinkin.
In 1929 he moved to Petah Tikva, where he served as the conductor of the Great Beit Yaakov Synagogue's choir. At the same time, he founded the Petah Tikva laborers' choir, the Maccabi Avshalom choir, and the choruses of the Sharon, Herzliya, Kfar Saba, Raanana, Magdiel, Kfar Malal and the area's kibbutzim. These choruses later united and became the Sharon Choir, which included more than 300 singers.
His work as an educator teaching the love of music began at the school for workers' children in Kfar Malal. Soon after he started teaching at the Pika school in Petah Tikva, at the Shalva high school and at the Gordon and Tshernikhovski educational institutions in Tel Aviv.
From 1942 he began conducting choruses in Tel Aviv as well, and in 1945 moved to the seaside city, where he lived till the day he died. In Tel Aviv he served as conductor of the choir of the Great Synagogue on Allenby Street, founded the Tel Aviv laborers' chorus, and served as the regular conductor of the opera choir managed by Mrs. Adis de Philip. Throughout the years he also served as the conductor of the Magen David and Kol Zion Legola choruses, and took part in the reestablishment of the Tzadikov Chorus along with Yitzhak Gratziani.
In the early 1950s he was appointed head of the music department at the Histadrut labor federation's executive committee. As part of this position, he was in charge of the choral activity in Israel and advanced choir singing in all collective agricultural labor settlements. He worked endlessly to develop Israeli music and produced generations of choir conductors and music lovers, in addition to being an outstanding artist himself.
Сборник статей по еврейской истории и литературе, книга 1 выпуск 1
Общество для распространения просвещения между евреями в России.
I; IV;, III, 188; X, 62; 30 c. гравированный фронтиспис - Памятник солдатам - евреям павшим за Отечество при обороне Севастополя во время войны 1854-1855 г.
Согласно историческим исследованиям, в составе российской армии при обороне Севастополя сражалось более 2500 евреев: солдат, матросов и кантонистов. Из них порядка 500 погибло в боях.[1] При этом в войсках коалиции, осаждавших Севастополь, также служили евреи, некоторые из них погребены на Братском кладбище. Высокую оценку командования заслужило и деятельность еврейских врачей.[2] В 1864 на склоне Панайотовой балки[3] был установлен памятник авторства одесского скульптора Франсуа Вернета (1800—1865).[4] На обелиске надписи на русском и иврите: «Памяти еврейских солдат, павших за Отечество при обороне Севастополя во время войны 1854—1855 гг.». На данный момент памятник находится на территории Севастопольского морского завода. Впоследствии памятник пострадал от военных действий, оккупации и вандализма.[5] К 150-летию Крымской войны, осенью 2004, памятник был отреставрирован.. Является единственным в Европе памятник евреям, воевавшим в регулярной армии.
Общество для распространения просвещения между евреями в России - крупнейшая культурно-просветительная организация российских евреев.
В 1860 г. в среде образованных представителей финансово-промышленных кругов петербургского еврейства возникла мысль о создании центра для пропаганды и развития просвещения в еврейских массах, распространения русского языка и приобщения евреев к русской культуре. Эти идеи были подхвачены нарождавшейся еврейской интеллигенцией и нашли поддержку в «Рассвете» О. Рабиновича. Ходатайство об основании организации было подано от имени официальных учредителей Е. Гинцбурга (см. Гинцбург, семья) и одесского филантропа и общественного деятеля Авр. Бродского (см. Бродский, семья). Устав организации был утвержден правительством лишь в октябре 1863 г., а с декабря общество начало работать. Председателем комитета организации был избран Е. Гинцбург (почти полностью субсидировавший общество с его основания), поборник Хаскалы Л. Розенталь (1817–87; также субсидировал общество с 1872 г.) — казначеем, а секретарем — бывший преподаватель Житомирского раввинского училища Э. Левин (1820–1913; выдвинул идею создания организации).