Leilão 2 Decorative objects, porcelain, crystal, silver items, Judaica, Israelina, jewelry, furniture and more
Por The Bidder
Gedera, Israel

The display will take place in our new address: 

The Rothschild House, Rothschild Street, 49, Mazkereth Batia.

The auction will be through the website only.

Buyers request to pay and coordinate the collection or delivery of purchases till one week from the date of the auction.

O leilão terminou

LOTE 36:

Old Persian miniature painting

Vendido por: $10
Preço inicial:
$ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 15%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
7.3.16 em The Bidder

Old Persian miniature painting
An old Persian miniature painting, a horse game at the court yard, framed with mosaic work frame, some defects, drawing Dimensions: 3X11 cm, include frame: 9X17 cm.