Leilão 115 часть 3
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LOTE 14:

Autograph. Pasternak A. Scenes from the life of Ivan Ogurtsov — a dissident and terrorist.

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20.9.22 em The Arc
identificações: Autógrafos Livros

Autograph. Pasternak A. Scenes from the life of Ivan Ogurtsov — a dissident and terrorist.
Vladimir. 1996 110 p. softcover, usual format: 13 x 20 cm Condition is very good.

The autograph of the writer V. J. Jankowski and his wife died from a talented writer Arkady Pasternak.

Arkady Pasternak was born on April 26, 1960 in Vladimir. Graduated from the Department of Russian language and literature of Vladimir state pedagogical Institute (1982). Worked as a teacher at the school, lissotriton in regional writers ' organization, has also worked in a number of professions. The first publication was in the regional newspaper "Appeal" in 1977. Member of the collective collections of the upper Volga publishing house "Golden gate" (1985), "Happy. Book of essays" (1987), collection of fairy tales "Juice of the magic tree" (1988). Prose works of A. G. Pasternak published in the magazines "New world", "Youth", "October", "Moscow", "Young guard", "Literary studies", "Solo", "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". One of the authors of the collection of new Russian prose "Time to give birth" (2001). Several stories were translated into German. Author of 6 books of poetry and prose, among them "Aesthetics Striptease" and "Scenes from the life of Ivan Ogurtsov, a dissident and a terrorist." Member of the Union of Russian writers since 1997. 

Arkady Pasternak died in September 2010. To understand the true level of this writer - read the story "to The village to the grandfather."