Leilão 113 часть 3
Por The Arc
Moscow, Rússia
Большие, очень большие и огромные книги. Заканчиваем аукцион собраниями и энциклопедиями.
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LOTE 24:

Ilya Glazunov. In 2 volumes. in English language.

Preço inicial:
2 000 р
Comissão da leiloeira: 15% Mais detalhes
identificações: Quadros Livros

Ilya Glazunov. In 2 volumes. in English language.
Printed in Switzerland Sobor press (Cathedral Press). 1992. Hardcover, 27 x 33.5 cm. In the publishing cellophane.

Ilya Glazunov is a great Russian artist of our time. His name is widely known both here and abroad. Glazunov posed king of Laos, king of Sweden, king of Spain, President of Italy, Indira Gandhi. His exhibitions are always a great event. Ilya Glazunov is not only an artist, but also a historian, architect and Creator of many beautiful interiors, the first place among which are the interiors of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

The album of 2 volumes in English presents the works of Ilya Glazunov in different periods of his work. The theme of the first volume - the images of Russia, the city of XX century, portrait, theatrical scenery. The second volume presents illustrations to Russian classical literature.