Leilão 103 Parte 3 PAPERY CONTINUES 2
Por The Arc
Pyatnitskaya str., 3/4 p. 2, entrance to the arch through the shopping center. Floor 0., Rússia

From April 1 ! The second part of the archive of Zinovy Paperny and lots not sold last year.

LIBRARY, part of the archive and household items of the scientist and writer.

Zinovy Samoilovich Paperny - literary critic, literary critic, parodist writer was born 102 years ago .

Graduated from the N. G. Chernyshevsky MIFLI (1941). Doctor of Philology (1964), Professor. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1954). Author of articles about Boris Pasternak in the Concise Literary Encyclopedia (1968) and BES (1975). He prepared the collection "Proletarian Poets of the first years of the Soviet era" for the Large series "Poet's Library" (1959).

In 1980, he was awarded the Golden Calf Award of the Literary Newspaper (The 12 Chairs Club). Speaking German, he corresponded with Slavists, and possessed rare books published abroad.

Zinovy Paperny is the author of the famous expression "Long live all that we are thanks to, no matter what." His circle of acquaintances included prominent cultural figures: K. Chukovsky (a neighbor in the dacha), A. Raikin, L. Utesov, Samuel Marshak, Lev Kassil, M. Svetlov, Bulat Okudzhava, Robert Rozhdestvensky and many others.

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Автограф. Ларцев В. Евгений Дмитриевич Поливанов. Страницы жизни и деятельности.

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identificações: Autógrafos Livros

Автограф. Ларцев В. Евгений Дмитриевич Поливанов. Страницы жизни и деятельности.
М. Наука. 1988 г. 328 с. Мягкая обложка, размер 12,7 х 20 см. Хорошее состояние, попадаются загнутые уголки и владельческие пометки. Вложены и вклеены на заднюю обложку заметки Паперного.