拍卖会 39 Palestine, Zionism and Judaism, ancient books, travel books, Hebrew language, science and research, original manuscripts, Meir Ariel and others, autographs, engravings and maps
52 Hertzel st. Kfar - Saba , Israel, 以色列

Auction house Safra & Saifa is pleased to invite you to participate in our upcoming auction -

Palestine, Zionism and Judaism, ancient books, travel books, Hebrew language, original manuscripts,

Meir Ariel, Shaul Tsernikhovsi, Meir Wieseltier and others, autographs, engravings and maps

Here are some rare and special items

*William Hurd – A New Universal History of the Religious Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs of the Whole World – London, Late 18th Century – Many Engravings

* Album - Landscapes in the Holy Land and Syria - with hand-colored engravings - London 1823

*A Set of Hand-Colored Maps – Planning the Construction of Ports in Haifa and Jaffa – Early British Mandate in Eretz Israel

*הארסט וועסעל דער נאצישער קדוש - A rare publication that came out in Warsaw against the backdrop of Nazi atrocities against Jews after the murder of Horst Wessel

* Meir Wieseltier - Poem - Tiyul BeEyona – Limited Edition – Dedication to Nahoum Cohen and signed by the poet

*Fancy edition - Dictionary of the Bible , edited by Sir William Smith, London 1863 - 3 volumes.

*Jacob Steinhardt - 2 drawings in pencil, plate for etching, the engraving

*Jerusalem - ancient map, 1565

and more others


拍卖品 49:

Two (2) most comprehensive atlases, the Holy Land, the Land of the Bible, The beginning of the 20th century

售出价为: $150 (₪549)
$ 80
拍卖行佣金: 23%
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
13.2.24于 Safra and Saifa

Two (2) most comprehensive atlases, the Holy Land, the Land of the Bible, The beginning of the 20th century
1. Futterer's Patent Universal Eye-ographic Bible Atlas, 1916
פורסם על ידי US PATENT, 1916 - מפות, חלקן צבעוניות, טקסט בארבע עמודות, אנגלית
כריכה קשה, 31 עמ, 43*32 סמ
2. Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land, George Adam Smith, London, Hooder and Stoughton, שנה 1915
כריכה קשה, פגמים קלים בשוליה ובשדרה, 25*38 סמ, 57 דף + 12 אינדקס
מפות ברובם על דפים כפולים

מצב כללי טוב
