拍卖会 21 Jewish history and the establishment of the state of Israel
52 Hertzel st. Kfar - Saba , Israel, 以色列

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Photographs, Letters, Documents and Newspapers from the Israeli Wars and the Establishment of the State, Research Books - Palestine, Ancient maps,

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拍卖品 28:

Ancient map of Israel, the division of the land into twelve tribes, 1750, colored engraving, see photo

售出价为: $220
$ 80
拍卖行佣金: 23% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
12.10.21于 Safra and Saifa

Ancient map of Israel, the division of the land into twelve tribes, 1750, colored engraving, see photo
ohann Christoph Harenberg (1696-1774) (after)
Palaestina in XII Tribus divisa, cum Terris Adiacentibus denuo revisa & copiosior reddita Studio Johannes Christoph Harenbergii
[Palestine Divided into the 12 Tribes of Israel, with Bordering Lands, by Johann Christoph Harenberg]
J.B. Homann Heirs, Nuremberg: c. 1750
Hand-colored copperplate engraving
63*54 סמ
הדבקות בגב המפה,
מצב כללי טוב