拍卖会 3
由 AVOT 举行
Gush Chalav st' , Pardes Hana, 以色列

拍卖品 24:

A complete Drasha by Ben Ish Chai, was never printed, full of Brachot, ending

יצו ה' אתך את הברכה באסמיך' ...

$ 5,000
拍卖行佣金: 20% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
14.6.21于 AVOT

A complete Drasha by Ben Ish Chai, was never printed, full of Brachot, ending

יצו ה' אתך את הברכה באסמיך' - בא ס'. א-ל שד-י יהיה בעזרתינו וישמרינו ויעזרינו אכי"ר' '.

In the Drasha the Rav is dealing with the Geula and the love of G'D for the people of Israel.

The Drasha was said about three Chachmei Israel who died in the land of Israel, the Rishon Lezion Avraham Ashkenasi, Rav Raba and Rav Elisha Josef, stating that the death of Zadikim brings redemption.

27 extraordinary big thick dry pages, in good state.