Vente 13
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israël

ספרי חסידות, ספרי יסוד, מכתבים מגדולי הרבנים והאדמורים, חב"ד, ציונות, חפצי יודאיקה כלי כסף, ועוד.
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LOT 133:

Sefer Shut 'Tvuot HaSadeh' part 4. Copy of the holy renowned 'Ohel Moshe' of Makova and his son the holy gaon Rabbi ...

Vendu pour: $360
Prix de départ:
$ 100
Prix estimé:
$500 - $600
Commission de la maison de ventes: 23%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
tags: Livres

Sefer Shut 'Tvuot HaSadeh' part 4. Copy of the holy renowned 'Ohel Moshe' of Makova and his son the holy gaon Rabbi Mordechai Vorhand, Av Beis Din of Nitra.
Sefer Shut 'Tevuot HaSadeh', 4th part, by the holy goan Rabbi Eliezer Chaim Deutch abd Bonyhád. Paks, 1900.
The copy is signed with the personal signature of the holy gaon Rabbi Moshe Vorhand of Makova author of 'Ohel Moshe' and the stamp of his son the holy gaon Rabbi Mordechai Vorhand abd Nitra, disciple of the author of 'Tevuot HaSadeh'.
The holy 'Ohel Moshe' of Makova [1862-1944], before abd of Nitra. He was a luminous figure of Hungarian Jews before the Holocaust. From the great sages of his generation, renowned Rosh Yeshiva of Makova, which was from the great Yeshivot in Hungary. He learned Torah by the holy gaon 'Chasan Sofer', and basked in the shadows of the holy Moron of Belz as well as the Divrei Yechezkel of Shinova, the Kedushat Yom Tov of Sighet, and the holy Rabbi Shlomo of Bobov and more Tzadikim. For dozens of years he imparted and expanded Torah in Nitra and later served as abd in the city of Makova for 33 years. Among his disciples are great righteous of the generation. Through his great sancity he protected the towns people of Makova and many of were indeed saved from the Holocaust.
In his sefer 'Ohel Moshe he wrote the following will:    וכל מי שיעשה דבר לתיקון נשמתי אפילו אינו תלמידי וכש"כ תלמידי אני מבטיחו שלא ילך מזה העולם בלא תשובה שלימה. שמי משה בן חי' שרה ושם אבי הצדיק יוסף צבי נבג"מ. כי גלוי וידוע לפני כסא כבודו ית"ש שהרבה טרחתי לעשות תשובה שלימה ובפרט על חטאת נעורים והרבה פעמים במסירת נפש ממש – לכן יש בכחי ג"כ לזכות אחרים בזה. 

The holy gaon Rabbi Mordechai Vorhand of Nitra (Be'er Mordche) [1885 - 1945], grew in Torah and Chassidut in the home and Yeshiva of his father in Nitra. Disciple of the holy gadol Rabbi Eliezar Deutch author of Shut 'Pri HaSadeh', and also learned by the Holy 'Kedushat Yom Tov' of Sighet, and the 'Arugat HaBosem' of Chust. Replaced his great father in Nitra.
In the year 1908 he married his wife Rabbanit Bracha daughter of Rabbi Yehuda Lichtenstein the Admor and abd of Betlan. After his marriage he served as Dayyan in Betlan (Beclean, Romania) for 3 years, and the stamp on this copy here is from those years.

[2] 1-80. No cover page, end is missing, moth holes. 31 cm.