Asta 2662 The estate of the late Michael (Mickey) Bernstein, one of the inheritors of Hermann Struck
Da Ben-Ami Endres
16 Galgaley Haplada, Herzliya, Israele
for sale:
Original works by Hermann Struck, Books and art from Struck's collection, some with signed dedications by their authors,
 furniture and more from Struck's and Bernstein's estate
L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 289:

Arm chair with orange apholstery, seat height 37, back height 87 cm, width 59 cm (damaged)

Venduto per: $40 (₪146)
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 40
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 19% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
15.3.20 in Ben-Ami Endres

Arm chair with orange apholstery, seat height 37, back height 87 cm, width 59 cm (damaged)