Subasta 8 Ancient books, & Rabbis Letters.
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Radzyn Dynasty. "Yismach Yisrael"/ "Hashalom Vehaachdus"

    - Yismach ...

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Radzyn Dynasty. "Yismach Yisrael"/ "Hashalom Vehaachdus"

    - Yismach Yisrael- Pure words of Torah for Shabbos and Yom Tov, by the Rav Hakadosh, Rav Yisrael of Chortkov. Vienna 5693 [1933] First print. 167 pages, 21 cm. In good condition.

    - Hashalom Vehaachdus - A compilation from the sayings of Chazal and from sefarim of Geonim and holy Tzaddikim of past generations, regarding the great ideal of Shalom, Achdus and Zchusa DeYisrael (peace, unity and focusing on the good in fellow Jews), by Rav Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira of Dorovitch- son of Rav Avi Ezri Zelig Shapira, son of Rav Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira of Mogielnica and son of Rebbetzin Hadassah Feiga- firstborn daughter of the Admor: Rav Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura, son of the Rav Hakadosh of Radzyn. Son-in-law of the Rav Hakadosh Rav Yitzchak of Bohush.

Printed in sefer are words from his grandfather, Rav Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura (see for example page 21, 1 letters מא-מב).

Dorovitch 5674 [1914] First print. 74 pages. 23 cm. In good condition.