拍卖会 8 Judaica - Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Books, Chabad, Menorahs, Silver Items
18.2.20 (您本地的时间)

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拍卖品 19:

Sephardic Jewry: Manuscript, Poems and Stories - Arabic-Jewish - North Africa

$ 50
拍卖行佣金: 19% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取

Handwritten notebook.
In the beginning, poems are written in fine Spanish, Arabic-Jewish and Hebrew. Among the songs "Shalom Lecha Dodi" by R. Shlomo Ibn Gvirol.
A long song that spans 10 pages and includes 16 houses entitled "Albataihi Dalaisthikal".
20 pp. "Katzida" songs.
At the end of the notebook is a handwritten story "Rabbi Yosef Di Larina" 16 p.
In total, about 25 pages (50 pages).