Leilão 12 Tiferet Auction House - 12 - Special and Rare items, Manuscripts and Religious articles
 Shenhav Building, B, 12 Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem

Tiferet Auction House - Auction 12 - Special Rare items!

Rare items from Tzadikim from previous generations , Holy Manuscripts written by varies great Hasidic Tzadikim, Religious articles, letter from great rabbinic leaders from The Sfardic and Ashkenazic communities.

O leilão terminou

LOTE 43:

Sefer 'Atzmot Yosef' and sefer 'Shut HaRama', Personal copies of the Holy Arugat HaBosem and his son. Warsaw, 1882.

Vendido por: $1 100
Preço inicial:
$ 400
Preço estimado:
$1 000 - $1 200
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
identificações: Livros

Sefer 'Atzmot Yosef' and sefer 'Shut HaRama', Personal copies of the Holy Arugat HaBosem and his son. Warsaw, 1882.
Two sefarim bound together, personal belonging with holy signatures of the 'Arugat habosem' and his son HaGaon Rabbi Yekusial Yehuda.
* Sefer 'Atzmat Yosef', Warsaw, 1882, on Tractate Kidushin, By Rabbi Yosef ben Ezra of Saloniki.
ספר "עצמות יוסף" על מסכת קידושין והוא ביאור כללים חדשים, וביאור בעיון בדברי הגמרא, רש"י, תוספות, הרי"ף, הרמב"ם, והרא"ש, בעל הטורים, ושאר פוסקים, ופלפול לאסיק ההלכה אליבא דהלכתא וכן על סוגיא פרה ורחל בפ' כל .הבשר ובסוף פ' כיצד הרגל, מאת רבי יוסף בן אזרא משאלוניקי
* Sefer 'Shut HaRama', Warsaw 1882.
1-103 pages. 31 cm.

On the cover page is the holy hand signature of the 'Arugat Habosem' Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, also appearing is his son's signature, Rabbi Yekusial Yehuda Greenwald. Likewise additional signatures and stamps from that time.
[2] 3-68 pages, 31 cm.

The Holy Gaon Rabbi Moshe Greenwald author of 'Arugat Habosem',   1853-1910, was from the great Poskim and Rabbanim of Hungary, a revered disciple of the Ketav Sofer of Pressburg and disciples of the great Holy students of the Chasam Sofer Rabbi Menachem Katz and his grandfather Rabbi Yosef Greenwald. From his youth he attached to Chassidut, he traveled to Admorim of Belz and Shinova. He was Rav in the communities Humenné and Kisvárda (Kleinwardein) until he became Rabbi and leader in the large city of Chust, where many great Rabbanim of Hungary served there, prominently the MaHaRam Shik. In his days the Yeshivat Chust evolved into a great and important Yeshiva in Hungary, many from all over the world as well as from the United States came to join and grow in Torah and Fear of Heaven from him.

His son HaGaon Rabbi Yekusial Yehuda Greenwald was abd of Yoroh, learned Torah from his father and likewise learned in his father's Yeshiva. All his life he wrote and spread his father's sefarim and had them published. His sefarim and Will were published in the sefer 'Zichron Av'.

Old cover, dry sheet and a bit brittle. Paper tape mostly in the sefer Shut HaRama, text missing. Some moth damage. Good condition.