Leilão 021 Online Auction – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
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LOTE 390:

Two German Booklets of Poetry – Copies made Privately

Preço inicial:
$ 200
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
14.1.20 em Kedem

Two German Booklets of Poetry – Copies made Privately
Two booklets of poetry (mimeographed typescript) made and bound privately. [Germany? / Austria?, the second half of the 20th century]. German.
1. Abendlied, Zwölf Gedichte, by Franz Staude (The book was published by Blätter für die Dichtung, Hamburg, 1935).
2. Gedichte, by Heribert Vossen (presumably, the book was not published).
Enclosed: a dozen handwritten pages – poems by Hermann Kükelhaus (on top of the first page, the poet's years of life are written – 1922-1944).
Size varies. Good overall condition.