拍卖会 3 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, letters by rabbis and rebbes, Chabad, Judaica, and more
1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem, 以色列
The auction will take place on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time).

拍卖品 239:

Mevoh She'arim, Jerusalem [1904] - Dedication of the Kabbalist Rabbi Ben-Zion Mordechai Hazan / piece of paper ...

售出价为: $150
$ 150
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
29.10.19于 DYNASTY
标签: 书籍

Mevoh She'arim, Jerusalem [1904] - Dedication of the Kabbalist Rabbi Ben-Zion Mordechai Hazan / piece of paper handwritten of the Ben Ish Chai

Mevoh She'arim to Rabbi Chaim Vital, Jerusalem, 1904. self-dedication in the handwriting of the mekubal the genius Rabbi Ben-Zion Hazan. Among the pages of the book is a piece of paper with the handwriting of The Ben Ish Chai.

On the back of the second leaf is a dedication in the handwriting of the mekubal genius Rabbi Ben-Zion Hazan: "Please! Remember me for good infornt of G-d while studying this holy book for my efforts, his humble friend Ben Zion Mordechai Hazan". And completing a dedication in the publisher's handwriting. Among the pages of the book is a piece of paper with the handwriting of The Ben Ish Chai in which he concludes a sermon: 'Shemini hatzeret byikar veshalom'.

The Genius Rabbi Ben-Zion Hazan [1887-1952]. From his youth he studied with Rabbi Yosef Chaim the ben Ish Chai, and he was considered as his son. After being asked to serve as a muezzin at a Muslim mosque in Baghdad, he fled and immigrated to Israel in 1929 and settled in the Bukharan neighborhood of Jerusalem. Upon his immigration to Israel, he began to study Kabbalah with Rabbi Haim Shaul HaCohn Duwik, Rabbi Avraham Chaim Ades and Rabbi Yom Tov Yedid HaLevi. By this time he had already published Torah novellae and was in contact with the great rabbis in Israel and abroad. In 1907, he founded in Jerusalem together with Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, Rabbi Ezra Halevi and his son-in-law Talmud Torah and Yeshiva for the Babylonian "Shoshanim LeDavid", and headed it, and later founded the renowned Porat Yosef Yeshiva. He served as the Sfardic rabbi of the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. He passed away on the 12th of Cheshvan, and was buried in the Sanhedria cemetery in Jerusalem. Edited and published most of his books of Rabbi Yosef Chaim, and dozens of books by various rabbis, such as Rabbi Abdullah Somekh, the Hidea, Rabbi Chaim Falagi, Rabbi Yaakov Chaim and more.

Before of us a rare copy, which at the title page has the names of Shlomo Baruch Zufiof and Moshe Pinchas Zufiof as brought to the printing press and at the end after the title page is a special page with an introduction and their dedication.

[2] 76 leaves. Title page with gold ink, restored with paper paste. Cardboard cover wrapped in luxurious fabric, very good condition.
