拍卖会 3 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, letters by rabbis and rebbes, Chabad, Judaica, and more
 1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem
The auction will take place on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time).

拍卖品 215:

A collection of books -The source of Hebrew book and important bibliography books, the 20th century

$ 200
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取

A collection of books -The source of Hebrew book and important bibliography books, the 20th century

An important collection of 23 books for the source of the Hebrew book and important bibliography books, the 20th century.

* Rabbi Eliezer Lipman P.'s .Bibliographical List by A. M. Lifshitz, Jerusalem 1941.

* The Land of Israel and Its History - A Bibliographical Guide by C. Kersel. Published by Am Oved [1943]. 

* Sari HaElef - The list of books in print and their authors who lived in a millennial period, from the time of the Talmud's signature ... until the Shulchan Aruch period, plus a list of all Tanayim and Amorim books and their attributes. Edited by Rabbi Menachem Bar Yitzhak Peretz Kosher and Yaakov Dov Mendelbaum, Torah Shleyma Institute Publishing, New York, 1959.

* Researchers and Writers by Dr. Samuel J. Feegin, Ohel Press New York  (1950).

* The world of the book - in the Hebrew Molotov, March 1955.

* List of compulsory books received at the State and Library Archives in December 1955 - August 1956. Booklet Nos. 11-12.

* The book - a journal for bibliography edited by Zvi Harkabi, first year Pamphlet A (Iyar 1954), and year 7 Pamphlet 8.

* In the Diaspora - A Bibliographical List of North African Jewry by Abraham Tal. Published by the World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem [1961].

* The World Hebrew Alliance Am vasefer. Issues 26-27, October 1964.

* Manuscript Photographs - List of Hebrew Manuscript Photographs at the Institute - part 3 Manuscripts in the Vatican Library by N. Aloni and D. S. Levinger, Reuben mas Jerusalem Press 1968.

* Bibliography for Talmud Teachers by Naftali Steinberger, Rabbi Kook Publishing House, Jerusalem 1970.

* The books of the Rabbi Kook Institute, which were published in the year of 1937-1969 - were published by Naftali Ben Menachem, published by the Rabbi Kook Institute 1970.

* Bibliography of North African Jewry by Abraham Tal, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem [1973].

* Meir LeZion on four parts of Shulchan Aruch, by Rabbi Meir Wonder, published by the Institute for the Study of Haredi Jewish Problems, Jerusalem [1973].

* The book in Israel - articles, data and reviews of what is happening in the book world. Two issues - a-b, c-e Tevet, Nissan [1973].

* THE HEBREW BOOK and Historical Survey, 1975 Keter Publishing.

* General Book Catalog 1979 edited by Zvi Steiner. 

* Isaac Raphael - Bibliographical List Bibliography Daat Torah publishing, Jerusalem 1988.

* Bibliography on the Twenty Years of the State of Israel by Asia Neuberg, Jerusalem, 1970.

Published by the School of Librarianship by the Hebrew University Library Center for Public Libraries.

* Special print from Kiryat Sefer Quarterly for Bibliography of the National and University Library in Jerusalem, 16th year.

various sizes and conditions, general condition: good.
