拍卖会 3 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, letters by rabbis and rebbes, Chabad, Judaica, and more
 1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem
The auction will take place on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time).

拍卖品 218:

Researcher and bibliographer Abraham Meir Haberman - collection of books


$ 120
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取

Researcher and bibliographer Abraham Meir Haberman - collection of books

9 books by the renowned researcher and bibliographer Abraham Meir Haberman.

* Toldot Adam to Rabbi Shmuel Algazi zt'l - Summary of Chronicles from the First Man to the Year of Burning Books in Italy. Second edition, Bamberger Wohrman published, Jerusalem [1944].

* The Geniza. By Avraham Meir Haberman, Kahalat Publishing Company, Jerusalem [1944].

* Rabbeinu Gershom of the Diaspora Selichot and References, published by ancient manuscripts and printed books, Mekorot Library, Jerusalem [1944]. 

* Bern yachad - collection of old and new prayer songs, published by Rabbi Kook's Institution, Jerusalem [1945].

* Helkat mechokek - Midrash and agode Remarks on Moshe Rabbeinu and His Death. Schocken Press, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv [1947].

* Eida Vedut - Ancient Scrolls of the Judean Desert, with Introductions and Keys by A. M. Haberman, Machbarot lesifrut Publishers, Jerusalem [1952].

* Clonimus son of Clonimus, touchstone. Published by first manuscripts and patterns with comments and later. Publishing of Literature Companies, Tel Aviv 1956.

* Thank you to my friends and well-wishers who welcomed me to Tevet 17. The Blessing Residence will also be blessed as a supporter of A. M. Haberman, Jerusalem 1961. - Ancient poems printed by Haberman from the manuscripts.

* From the Pen and Times books - A collection of articles and lists in the field of literature and culture, Reuven mas Publication Jerusalem [1981].

Avraham Meir Haberman [1901-1980] was also known by the literary name 'the Jerusalem haiman' , an Israeli poet and medieval Hebrew literary scholar. Of the leading and fertile figures of the 20th century in the study of the history of the Hebrew book, Jewish sciences, and poetry. 

various sizes and conditions. General Good condition.
