Leilão 231 Parte 1 Coins and Bank notes, Eretz Israel Books and Items, Judaica
10.8.15 (na sua hora local)
 13 Idelson St. Tel-Aviv, Israel
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LOTE 1191:

Sh. Shalom-Jacob Steinhardt
ירושלים טירה נמה, הוצ' עקד

Vendido por: $50
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$ 50
Comissão da leiloeira: 19%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

ירושלים טירה נמה, הוצ' עקד
Yerushalaim Tira Nama, publ. by Eked, 5746 1986, second edition, with a signed dedication by the poet, 5746