Subasta 15 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
1.6.11 (Your local time)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 499:

Collection of Nontraditional Haggadot – Schools

Precio inicial:
$ 1,200
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: Sólo en comisión

Twenty-one nontraditional Haggadot, published by schools around the country:
Mikveh Israel – First grade, 1950. * Givat HaShlosha School, 13th year, 1952. * Tel-Nordau, 1961+1957+1955. * Havat HaNoar HaZioni – Jerusalem, 1952. * Borochov School, 1954. * Ayanot, year of 1954 [1955]. * Tichon Ironi Aleph – Class 10/3, 1956. * Henrietta Szold "Ledugma" School in Tel Aviv, 1957. * Beit Hinuch Leyaldei Ovdim, Tel Aviv, 1958. * Elementary School Vitkin, Tel Aviv (Beit Hinuch Gimmel), 1957+1958+1955+1961. * "HaGefen School, Ramat Gan, 1960. * Regional School "Mabu'im", 1965. * School of Electricity Workers Project – Givatayim, [nd]. * A.D. Gordon elementary school – Givatayim, [nd]. * HaCarmel School, [nd].* Pines School – Gedera, [nd]. Sizes and conditions vary.