Аукцион 10 Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
24.6.10 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
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ЛОТ 547:

Manuscript – "Rissalah" – Rabbi Yehudah Ben Kureish – Jewish-Arabic

Продан за: $230
Стартовая цена:
$ 120
Комиссия аукционного дома: 23%
НДС: Только на комиссию

Manuscript, composition on grammar, by Rabbi Yehudah Ben Kureish. [Late copying, 20th century?].
Rabbi Yehudah Ben Kreish (or: Ibn Kureish, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 7095) of the early North African sages, a doctor, poet and an outstanding scholar of grammar in the end of the fifth millennium. Of Rabbi Sa'adia Ga'on's generation, met with Eldad Ha-Dani. Great grammarians mention him in their writings [Rashi mentions him in his commentary of Jeremiah 11, 19]. Ibn Ezra writes about the essay "Father and Mother" that Ben Kureish "should be respected". Of his writing remained an essay comparing between Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, printed in Paris in 1857 under the title "Rissalah". The essay opens with a "missive" (rissalah) sent by Rabbi Yehudah to the Fez community members for failing to read Onqelos translation and the study of Aramaic. In the manuscript herewith appears, following the missive, the first part of the essay comparing between the language of the Bible and the translation.
36 thin paper notes, average size 9X15 cm, pasted on a notebook leaves. Good condition. Stains.