拍卖会 7 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
19.10.09 (您本地的时间)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.

拍卖品 77:

Lehi poster – To our Arab brethren

售出价为: $170
$ 100
拍卖行佣金: 23%
增值税: 仅对佣金收取

To our Arab brethren, printed Etzel poster. Arabic and Hebrew 1940s.
“We want to expel the British Army from our homeland… Thousands of Jewish and Arab children are wandering around without education or learning… Arab youth! You are children of an ancient and bright nation. Just like us, you are the victims of British imperialism. Do not respond to the call of the British to volunteer to the police force …” Signed “Israel Freedom Fighters ‘Stern Group.’”
31.5 cm. Fair condition. Creases, stains, fold marks.